Home > Publications > Local manufacturing for health in Africa in the time of Covid-19: experience and lessons for policy
Summary of Publication 

Banda, G., D. Kale, M. Mackintosh and J. Mugwagwa (2021) Local manufacturing for health in Africa in the time of Covid-19: experience and lessons for policy. Growth Research Programme. Webinar Report. 

In Africa and across the globe, the Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated the fragility of manufacturing supply chains. It has forced a global recognition of the centrality of local manufacturing supply chains to local health security, particularly in relation to essential commodities for healthcare. On 28th October 2020, a closed-door webinar brought together African manufacturers in health-related industries with engaged academics in India and Africa, and other professionals working on regulation, distribution and industrial support in African countries. Participants included ICCA team members Geoff Banda, Dinar Kale, Maureen Mackintosh, Smita Srinivas and Cecilia Wanjala. The aims were to capture the immediate experience of manufacturing under Covid-19 conditions in Africa and India, and to also draw lessons for policy.

This webinar report summarises the key findings from that event, with the central argument being that broad-based industrial development is critical for both global and local health security in Africa, and will be the post-Covid-19 medium-term challenge. This forum was hosted by the ODI at a unique moment in time in which the authors were able to convene key stakeholders from across the relevant sectors. This insightful research has been facilitated by the FCDO-ESRC through the Development and Economic Growth Research Programme (DEGRP).