Innovation for Cancer Care in Africa (ICCA)

Innovation for Cancer Care in Africa (ICCA) is an East Africa-India-UK research collaboration led by The Open University, investigating ways to link innovation in the industrial and health sectors to improve access to cancer care in Kenya and Tanzania.

The support of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) (UK) is gratefully acknowledged. ICCA is funded by the ESRC under the Global Challenges Research Fund Inclusive Societies initiative. Grant reference ES/S000658/1.

Our Research

This project aims to identify the scope for innovative industrial-health collaboration to tackle the emerging crisis of exclusion from cancer care in Africa. Our research will establish baseline evidence on emerging technological opportunities, high priority local needs, and local industrial and health sector capabilities in Kenya and Tanzania.

We will also explore opportunities and challenges emerging from experiences in India and the United Kingdom. This collaborative research will bring together stakeholders from industrial, policy, and health sectors, exploring how to harness industrial and health capabilities to drive more inclusive growth. The main outcomes of this project will be practical scenarios, which link innovation in industry and health sectors to generate more accessible cancer care in East Africa.  

Patients' experiences of cancer, and health professionals' knowledge and experience.
Local firms' capabilities to move into cancer-related pharmaceuticals, medical devices and ICT.
How to link innovation in local industrial and health sectors to strengthen cancer care.
New low-cost technologies for cancer care are coming through. Evidence from India and the UK.
New methods and new knowledge through collaboration across boundaries.
Collaborative generation, evidencing and costing of specific scenarios for better cancer care.

Latest publications

Book -
Banda, G. et al. (eds) (2024) Cancer care in pandemic times: building inclusive local health security in Africa and India. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
Journal article -
Banda, G. (2023) 'The political economy of the African pharmaceutical sector's "industrial underdevelopment" lock-in: The importance of understanding the impact of persistent colonial extractive institutions', Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analysis


Presentation by Twalib Ngoma and colleagues on ICCA's research in Tanzania
Maureen Mackintosh speaks on inclusivity in the industry/health sector interface

Our partners

The support of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) (UK) is gratefully acknowledged.