
Student Story: Peter Smith

Peter is a Technical Leader in Mass Spectrometry with Almac Sciences based in Craigavon. 

He chose to study with the OU due to the flexibility on offer as you study.    

13th October 2021

Skills gap challenge for businesses in Northern Ireland

The Open University’s annual Business Barometer 2021 report reveals nearly three quarters (69%) of Northern Ireland businesses believe there is a skills shortage in their organisation. That’s the highest % of any region of the UK (67% in England, 60% in Wales, 63% in Scotland).

7th October 2021

Ministerial visit to The Open University in Northern Ireland

The Open University in Northern Ireland has welcomed a visit from the Minister for the Economy, Gordon Lyons MLA.

30th September 2021

23 Free Open University courses support the government's Skill Up initiative in Northern Ireland

Following the NIO announcement of £23million worth of skills funding, people across Northern Ireland are being offered a choice of free study course options with The Open University delivering £1.8million.  

3rd September 2021

The Open University launches a new online hub for students entering higher education in Northern Ireland

The Open University has launched a new online hub called ‘Transition to Higher Education in Northern Ireland’ to provide support for new students moving into higher education in Northern Ireland this year regardless of where they are studying.

18th August 2021

Community Organisations offered expanded study opportunities with The Open University

The Open University is offering local community organisations the opportunity to offer university level education, with OU support, to those in their local area.

16th August 2021

A second chance for Syrian refugee, Rasha

Having settled in Northern Ireland for 4 years after having left Syria, Rasha has been given an opportunity to study that she did not have before.  She is now currently studying a BSc in computing and IT.

16th August 2021

'Generation Hustle': The Open University discovers a new wave of Passion-preneurs

Whilst many say young people have been hugely affected by the pandemic, new polling reveals a new wave of optimism when it comes to the study and the career choices of today’s school leavers.
The Open University study has identified the next generation of ‘Passion-preneurs’ – students inspired to undertake a degree and pursue a side hustle or career that is inspired by the interests they love.

10th August 2021

Open University take the lead in student satisfaction in Northern Ireland

The Open University (OU) has been ranked no.1 university for Overall Student Satisfaction in Northern Ireland for the seventeenth year in a row in the National Student Survey (NSS) results published yesterday.

16th July 2021

The Open University in Northern Ireland sees a surge in new applicants

The Open University has seen a rise in its student numbers in Northern Ireland over the past year with more people choosing to study online with the OU as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

13th May 2021
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Christine Murphy, Communications Manager

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