Visiting the library building

Colourful deckchairs outside the library building

The Open University Library at Walton Hall in Milton Keynes is self-service, however customer service staff are available to help between 9am and 5.00pm every weekday.  Staff can help with:

  • General enquiries
  • Finding out what materials are available in the Library
  • Retrieving items from the Library shelves

For more information on the services offered in the library building please see the Library at Walton Hall page, where you can also find a video tour of the Library building.

Fire Alarms

A visual alarm system consisting of flashing red lights supplements the audio fire alarm system. If you think you may need assistance in the event of an emergency, please notify a member of Library staff when you arrive.

If you are in a wheelchair or have mobility problems, there are evacuation lifts on both the first and second floors. These will be operated by a member of staff.

If the route to the lift is blocked for any reason there are refuges in the stairwells of all three sets of stairs.

Assistive equipment

The library is equipped with wheelchair accessible tables:

  • 2 on the first floor,
    • 1 at the end of the row of desks beside the entrance from the main stairs
    • 1 in the bank of desks by the exit to the East Stairs
  • 2 on the second floor, in the main study area

All have a remote control to adjust the height of the desk electronically.

Hearing loops

The following meeting rooms, which can be used by OU staff, have hearing loops installed:

  • Library Presentation Room​
  • Library Seminar 1
  • Library Seminar 2
  • Library Seminar 4
  • Library Seminar 7

For more information, see Hearing Loops (OU staff login required).