Supported literature search

If you have difficulties searching Library databases, this service can provide help with finding references for assignments, including journal and newspaper articles, statistics and company information. Where a database provides the abstract of an article, we can check whether The Open University Library subscribes to the full text online and forward it, if it is in a suitable format.

Please note

We will be unable to provide this service if the literature search forms part of your assessment, and alternative arrangements have already been made for you by your module team.

To make your request please fill in the form below.

To enable us to respond to your request as effectively as possible, please provide us with as much information as you can.

You are also welcome to contact the Library Helpdesk to discuss your requirements:

Please provide more information than just the assignment title. You will know more about the subject than the Library Helpdesk, whose expertise is in finding information.
  • Provide a closely defined search question
  • Break your topic down into the areas you wish to research
  • Specify whether you are focussing on a particular angle
Try to be as precise as possible when providing suitable keywords; don't use general keywords / terms e.g. "river pollution" rather than "pollution":
What kind of information you are looking for?
Select all that apply
Quantity and quality of information required *Required
e.g. particular language, country, historical period or age group. If researching an education topic, what level? e.g. pre-school, primary, secondary, further, higher, adult education:

We appreciate that you have provided us with personal information, we will never sell on your data to anyone else and data is for the use of The Open University only. If you would like to find out more, please visit our privacy policy using the following link: