Staff and students from other Higher Education Institutions that are members of the SCONUL Access scheme are welcome to join the Library at Walton Hall in order to borrow books, use study spaces, and connect to the wireless internet.
Staff and students at non-SCONUL Universities or other HE Institutions may use the Library at Walton Hall for reference and study purposes only.
You need to ask your home institution for a SCONUL Access acceptance email before visiting the Open University Library if you wish to use these services.
To obtain an Open University library card you will also need proof of current SCONUL Access membership showing the expiry date and Band category allocated. No photograph is required. When you arrive at the OU Library, you will need to input your details into a touch screen, and then your card will be prepared for you while you wait. Assistance is available from the Enquiries desk on the ground floor.
If your home institution provides Eduroam Wifi you will be able to use wifi in the Library at Walton Hall. You can check the Eduroam website to see if your institution provides this service. You must speak to your home institution's IT support before visiting the Library at Walton Hall as you may have to register or set up the service at your home institution before being able to use it elsewhere.
Alternative WiFi is provided by The Cloud.
In addition to books, journals and other research material, The Open University also holds the following collections:
The Open University Digital Archive (OUDA)
OUDA contains Open University study materials and items relating to the history of the University.
The Open University Archive
The Archive holds historical materials of the Open University and unique research collections. You will need to make an appointment with the University Archive team to view the collections.
Learn about the online library, how to find help and support, and how to access key services to help with your studies or work at the OU.