Users eligible to borrow from our physical collections can use Library Search to check the availability of items. Enter your search and then click ‘In the Walton Hall Library’.
You may be eligible to use the SCONUL Access scheme to gain access to and borrow books from most university libraries in the UK (and some in Ireland)
Your module description will advise you if there are any set books you need to purchase for your study. The Open University does not sell set books. These books are available to purchase or order from bookshops or online booksellers. To find your local bookshops, you can search on The Booksellers Association website
Details of book suppliers who offer discounts to holders of the NUS Extra card are available on the OU Students Association website.
AbeBooks - Out of print and second-hand books available from retailers worldwide. Browse by subject category or search by author name, title or keyword. Search results include brief bibliographic details, a description of the condition of the book, its price and a link to the stockist.
The Eagle Bookshop - Specialists in out of print books in Science and Mathematics. - Find out of print and second-hand books from dealers throughout Britain. Search by author, title, publisher, date and subject keyword. You may also limit your search to a particular price range. Search results include notes on the condition of each title returned.
Learn how to find specific resources and how to find information on a topic using Library Search.