Terms and Conditions for using Library Services

Terms and Conditions for using Library Services at Walton Hall (2020)

The Open University (OU) Library Service at Walton Hall plays an important role in providing staff, researchers and students with access to a wide range of resources, services and facilities to support their teaching, research or studies

The terms and conditions of membership listed below are intended to ensure that the range of resources, services and facilities are available to all who need them.

They cover the use of all provisions available through the Library building at Walton Hall but do not cover access to the online library.

Library Services can suspend the library privileges of any customer who infringes the Library Services Terms and Conditions. Where this requires an investigation this will be carried out by the Customer Services Manager.

Library registration

  1. To see the entitlements of customers able to use the Library at Walton Hall and register with Library Services to borrow items visit https://www.open.ac.uk/library/using-the-library/joining-the-open-unive…
  2. During the registration process you will be asked for your email address. All notifications from us will come to you by email.
  3. Registered library members are required to notify Library Services immediately of any change of address.
  4. Customers must report lost library cards immediately.
  5. Membership and loans are not transferable.
  6. Customers are entitled to one membership only.
  7. Registering to use the Library at Walton Hall does not give you access to the online resources normally available through the Library website.

Using library services and resources

  1. An item is defined in these Terms and Conditions as a unit of recorded information or a piece of equipment (e.g. books, journals, pamphlets, illustrations, maps, microforms, videos, DVDs).
  2. No item should be taken from the Library building until the customer has registered the loan.
  3. All items remain the responsibility of the customer until the record of the loan is cancelled.
  4. Items may remain on loan until the end of the specified loan period or they are recalled, after which they must be returned to Library Services by the date specified. Items can be renewed by telephone, email, or online.
  5. Borrowed items can only be taken out of the United Kingdom if they can be returned within 7 days when recalled.
  6. Items borrowed from other libraries on behalf of OU staff and students are subject to the conditions imposed by the lending library.
  7. Items belonging to Library Services must not be annotated, marked or damaged in any way.
  8. Library Services may withhold or restrict the circulation of any item.
  9. Customers may be charged for non-returned, lost or damaged items. A non-refundable administration charge may be made for every invoice raised.
  10. Library Services reserves the right to introduce fines in discussion with the University.
  11. All copying must comply with the conditions of the 1988 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act and its related legislation and all licences held by the Open University. If in any doubt please contact the Library helpdesk https://www.open.ac.uk/library/library-information/contact-us.

Using the library building in Milton Keynes

Library Services aims to provide an excellent service. If you would like to feedback to us about any elements of your visit please visit https://www.open.ac.uk/library/library-information/feedback-form

Library Services’ terms and conditions of use of online resources are available on this section of the library website: https://www.open.ac.uk/library/library-information/copying-and-download…

Library Services
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom
Tel +44(0) 1908 659 001

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (number RC 000391), an exempt charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (number SC 038302)

  1. Customers are expected to behave considerately (including consumption of food and drink) in the Library building, so that other users may work in an atmosphere conducive to study.
  2. Library customers are expected to treat Library staff and other customers respectfully at all times. Any customer behaving inconsiderately or inappropriately will be asked to leave the premises.
  3. Should anyone feel they have any concerns about their safety whilst in the library building they can:
    • Call Security on numbers displayed around the building
    • Speak with someone at the library enquiries desk and ask to speak to the Duty Manager
    • Email The Open University's safeguarding referral team (safeguarding-referrals@open.ac.uk) who will follow up with you about your concerns
  4. Mobile phones must be switched to silent whilst in the building. The use of mobile phones to make or receive calls should be restricted to the stairwells, not study or work areas.
  5. Rubbish is to be disposed of in the bins provided.
  6. Customers are expected to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and read and take note of the health and safety and fire notices displayed in the building.
  7. Library customers must look after personal property at all times and must not leave personal possessions unattended. Library Services accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage of any customer’s personal possessions.
  8. Children and young people under the age of 16 are welcome in the library building if they are accompanied by an adult. Children are the responsibility of the accompanying adult whilst on Library Services premises, and are required to be adequately supervised at all times.
  9. Smoking and vaping are not allowed in the building.
  10. No animals (other than assistance dogs) will be allowed into the building.