
Drawing of women hugging

Women who #ChooseToChallenge social injustice

The Open University is marking International Women’s Day with a social media campaign to ‘cut through the global chatter’ and focus attention on a very special group of women.

Photo of student's hands with ruler, pen and notebook

School closed, no internet: finding ways to keep children learning in the most remote places

Open University International Development academics report on a successful trial to deliver education in a COVID-safe way to areas without internet, TV or radio.

Photo shows a trans woman in Mozambique tending to her garden. She told us "Watering my garden to show society that transwomen perform all activities like other women in their home space. I call that positive visibility"

Giving voice to marginalised members of Africa’s LBGTQ+ community

An alternative to traditional research has given voice to marginalised members of Africa’s LBGTQ+ community– not through the written word, but through the eye.

Photo of Baroness Amos speaking at World Economic Forum

Former International Development Secretary launches Open University BME researchers' seminar series

The BME Researchers Group discusses research and scholarship around race, ethnicity, coloniality and decolonisation.

Photograph of Ayodele Odeogbola

Online and Distance Education graduate wins house for teaching leadership

Graduate of the OU's MAODE (Masters in Online and Distance Education) programme, Ayodele Odeogbola, has been awarded a house in the region he lives in, in Nigeria.

Image shows front cover of policy brief document

Could pandemic prompt a ‘new partnership’ for global health care?

Research by Open University social policy academics is at the forefront of an campaign to improve conditions for migrant health workers globally.

Photo of hands holding pink AIDS awareness day ribbon

Voluntary male medical circumcision: ‘It’s never just a snip’

Anthropologist and historian Dr Mark Lamont considers the surgical campaign against HIV/AIDS in Kenya.

Photo of crowds in city centre

Prize for paper on informal multicultural spaces

A journal paper co-authored by IDII Director Professor Giles Mohan wins a prize for Innovation and Excellence.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak leaves 10 Downing Street to go to the House of Commons to make the Summer Statement. Picture by Pippa Fowles / No 10 Downing Street.

Is Reducing Aid in the National Interest?

Following the UK government's announcement that they will be reducing overseas aid, OU researcher, Lizzie Babister, explores the implications of this move. 

Photo by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Flickr. The union jack flag flies above the FCO office building in Whitehall, Lond

Why switching aid to defence may not increase UK security

UK government to increase defence spending by £16bn and slash overseas aid by £3bn. Alan Shipman highlights why switching aid to defence may not increase UK security.

Contact us

To find out more about our work, or to discuss a potential project, please contact:

International Development Research Office
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)1908 858502