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Covid-19 deaths among migrant care workers: risks and responses

New ESRC-funded project led by Professor Nicola Yeates from The Open University to generate social-scientific data on the impact of Covid-19 on migrant members of the global health care workforce.

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Accelerating entrepreneurship support in universities in Kenya

An international partnership project which was one of the winners for the British Council funded Innovation for African Universities programme (IAU) 2021 has secured a further £85,000 funding for Phase 2.

Photo of women accompanied by text reading Second Chance

New courses will empower the world’s most disadvantaged women

The Open University is working with UN Women’s Second Chance Education and Vocational Training Programme to empower disadvantaged women and young women in six pilot countries.

Photo of two students studying outside

University secures 15 Commonwealth Scholarships for Development Masters students in Uganda

Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships worth a total of £270,000 have been awarded to The Open University to fund Ugandan development practitioners to study for a Masters in Global Development.

Image of front cover of Poverty and Development book

Open University’s classic Development textbook turns 30

Few course books outlive their course, but one first produced for Open University Development students 30 years ago has taken on a life of its own.

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Migrant health care workers at greatest risk

Foreign-born health and care workers are bearing a disproportionate burden of the Covid-19 pandemic and are more likely to be harmed and to die while carrying out their duties, new research shows.

Photo of three migrants carrying their belongings

University to become a Sanctuary for forced migrants

The Open University has applied for recognition as a University of Sanctuary, pledged to offer welcome and safety to those forced to flee their home countries owing to conflict or persecution.

Photo of solar panels on a farm in Mali

Can Chinese investment make Africa's energy go green?

Renewables supported by Chinese investment and know-how could enable sub-Saharan Africa to achieve its goal of universal access, says a report jointly prepared by The Open University, The Institute for Development Studies and The African Climate Foundation.

Update on REDEFINE: Florian Schaefer

Another of the latest postgraduate researchers to join the REDEFINE project talks about his work.

Photo of Jack Cole in Colca Canyon, Peru

'Wilding' for a brighter world

MSc Development Management graduate Jack Cole talks about his new role in 'wilding' at UK-based charity Restore Our Planet.

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To find out more about our work, or to discuss a potential project, please contact:

International Development Research Office
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)1908 858502