Sterilisation: Then and Now

The Research Group is committed to exploring the hidden history of sterilisation for women with learning disabilities alongside researching contemporary experiences of reproductive choice, control and loss. This is a complex field of research, raising significant ethical and methodological questions, but we believe that people's stories need to be heard.

This work began in 2010-11 and resulted in a refereed article published in Disability and Society Journal, a book chapter, a symposium presentation at the Nordic Network for Disability Research in Iceland, 2011, a major international conference and a podcast on the Secret History of Sterilisation.

Contact us

About the Group

If you woud like to get in touch with the Social History of Learning Disability (SHLD) Research Group, please contact:

Liz Tilley 
Chair of the Social History of Learning Disability (SHLD) Research Group
School of Health, Wellbeing and Social Care
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes

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