You are invited to send your ideas for the 2025 conference to us by Saturday 1st March 2025.
Here in the Social History of Learning Disability (SHLD) Research Group, based in the School of Health, Wellbeing and Social Care at The Open University, we are committed to researching and disseminating learning disability history in ways which are inclusive of people with learning disabilities, their carers, relatives and advocates.
At the heart of the group's approach, from its beginnings in 1994, is a recognition that people with learning disabilities are experts on their own lives, and have historical knowledge, viewpoints and skills to contribute. Such an ethos is reflected in our inclusive conferences, publications, research projects and close collaborations with a variety of learning disability organisations, including advocacy groups. The Research Group is internationally recognised, and has fostered partnerships with universities and advocacy organisations across Europe, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.
We also offer advice, support and training in inclusive research methodologies, especially those which combine oral history, biography and archival research, and in writing funding proposals for social history of learning disability and related heritage projects.
Pioneering inclusive methodologies, we have influenced learning disability policy and practice across the whole spectrum of health and social care agencies and personnel, from front line practitioners to senior managers, board members and policy makers to people with learning disabilities themselves. Our work has helped bring about positive change in people's lives, including those with high support needs. We have supported the emerging learning disability advocacy movement and the development of person-centred services. Establishment of inclusive research networks and conferences has enabled people with learning disabilities to publicise findings and enabled identification of research topics of key importance to disabled people, their families and practitioners.
Aspects of the Social History of Learning Disability Research Group's work were recognised as Good Practice by the Department of Health in 2013.
If you woud like to get in touch with the Social History of Learning Disability (SHLD) Research Group, please contact:
Liz Tilley
Chair of the Social History of Learning Disability (SHLD) Research Group
School of Health, Wellbeing and Social Care
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
If you have any feedback or would like to report a problem with the website, please contact
Members of the SHLD group, in collaboration with self-advocates from Northamptonshire People First, co-wrote the free badged course Exploring learning disabilities: supporting belonging: Introduction and guidance | OpenLearn - Open University which continues to be one of the most popular courses on OpenLearn. The course explores a wide range of issues including what is a learning disability, the history of learning disability, health, education, relationships and the experience of family carers.