Academic team: Dr Paul Walley and Anna Jennison Phillips, Senior Practitioner Fellow (Gloucestershire Constabulary)
Policing partners: Gloucestershire Constabulary, Thames Valley Police, Bedfordshire Police, Hertfordshire Constabulary and Humberside Police
Status: Complete
This project is part of the Centre’s research into ways in which demand can be managed and sustainably reduced. After an initial scoping study, it was identified that much internal demand is self-generated, partly through not getting things right first time. The main study investigated a sample of demand at Gloucestershire Constabulary to identify the underlying causes of “failure” or repeat demand. The outcome was to identify how the adaptation of prioritisation to increase one-touch resolution can help reduce unnecessary demand.
Title | Outputs type | Lead academic | Year |
A study of non-urgent demand to identify opportunities for demand reduction | Article | Walley, P | 2018 |
Service quality in policing: a failure demand perspective | Research paper | Walley, P | 2018 |
Demand and capacity management within the police service | Video | Walley, P | 2017 |
Reducing demand by meeting needs effectively | Video | Jennison-Phillips, A | 2017 |
Demand management in the public sector: developments and issues | Conference paper | Walley, P | 2017 |
Failure demand themes | Project extract | Walley, P | 2017 |
Scoping study summary report on demand management | Summary report | Walley, P | 2016 |
The use of failure demand in police services | Literature review | Walley, P | 2015 |
Findings from an evaluation of 'WeMove'; a pilot that was funded by Greater Manchester Police (GMP) to support children and young people aged 12 to 18 years impacted by serious and violent crime, either as perpetrators or victims. Central to WeMove was one-to-one support by trained mentors. The evaluation conducted by the Open University aimed to assess implementation and early impacts to evidence programme effectiveness.
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