Academic team: Kitty Chisholm (Knowledge Media Institute, OU)
Policing partners: N/A
Status: In progress
The research aims to test a short growth mindset intervention, delivered via an app that encourages reflection, to motivate and improve the capacity of managers in one or more police forces to learn and apply that learning sustainably over time.
The benefits of a growth mindset have been shown to be increased persistence, resilience, appetite for challenge, motivation to learn and to apply that learning. Growth mindset managers tend to be more willing to coach subordinates and their direct reports show more organisational ‘citizenship’ behaviours (willingly going above and beyond their job specification).
The whole project will examine not just changes in mindset, but the extent to which those changes translate to observably improved management behaviours, sustained over time, in the case of managers in a range of public and private organisational contexts. This includes a CPRL member police force, which has signed up to take part in this Ph.D. research project.
The Victim Engagement Study was carried out between 2020 and 2023, led by Dr Lis Bates with colleagues from the Open University and funded by the Centre for Policing Research and Learning at The Open University.
Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 10:30 to 12:30
Microsoft Teams