Academic team: Prof Jeffery Johnson, Prof Joyce Fortune, Dr Jane Bromley, Phil Davies
Policing partners: Greater Manchester Police, National Crime Agency, Dorset Police, Thames Valley Police, Metropolitan Police Service, Lancashire Police, Gwent Police, Merseyside Police
Status: Complete
This action research project introduced police officers and staff to the basic ideas of systems thinking and complexity science, and enabled them to develop a practical understanding of the theory by applying it to real problems from their professional experience.
Individuals and groups engaged in criminal activity form many intertwined networks whose emergent dynamic behaviour can be very complicated and unpredictable. Yet even in this complexity there are dynamic patterns that can be recognised to inform action and policy, and by using a complex systems approach implicit knowledge can be formalised into models to make the patterns clearer and their detection more reliable. The project:
Title | Outputs type | Lead academic | Year |
Multilevel systems and policy | Book section | Johnson, J | 2018 |
Systems thinking and complexity science for policing | Executive summary | Johnson, J | 2017 |
Global systems science and policy | Book section | Dum, R | 2017 |
An application of systems thinking to the process used to collect, store and use information to fight organised crime | Working paper | Fortune, J | 2017 |
Systems, networks and policy | Book section | Johnson, J | 2017 |
Open questions in multidimensional multilevel network science | Conference paper | Johnson, J | 2017 |
Hypernetworks: multidimensional relationships in multilevel systems | Journal article | Johnson, J | 2016 |
Embracing n-ary relations in network science | Book section | Johnson, J | 2016 |
Department for Policing lecturer, Simon Hull, has recently been accepted as a Certified Member of the Association of Learning Technology (CMALT).
Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 10:30 to 12:30
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