Dr. Elke Loeffler joins the Centre

Dr Elke Loeffler took up her new role as Director of Strategic Partnerships on 01 Novemeber 2022 and is looking forward to getting to know all partners in the coming weeks.

What is Elke’s role all about?

Elke’s work at the Centre for Policing Research and Learning (CPRL) will focus on deepening and widening partnership working at CPRL. One of her immediate tasks (with Paul Wilson) will be to create a booklet (online and paper) for all CPRL members which explains how CPRL works and how to get the most out of the partnership.

Several visits to partners are already being arranged – Elke would be very happy to arrange further visits from January through to April 2023, e.g. around an evidence café or brown bag session for partners. Do get in touch (oupc@open.ac.uk) if you would like to take up this opportunity.

Elke’s professional background

Elke is a public management scholar with research interests in partnership working, user and community co-production, citizen participation and collaborative governance. She has published widely on these issues. Her research includes policing services but also health and social care. Elke is also active at the European level in her role as a co-chair of a Study Group on Citizen Participation and Member of the Steering Group of the European Group of Public Administration.  She is currently undertaking research on how to strengthen resilience of vulnerable people as well as service providers and would be interested in testing her conceptual frameworks in a policing context.

Before joining academia, she worked at the OECD in Paris as a policy analyst and was CEO of the -profit organisation Governance International. This has provided her with hands-on experience in influencing policy-makers at national and local levels, as well as in designing and delivering executive training of politicians, staff and communities.


Upcoming Events

Mar 6

Online Membership Group meeting

Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 10:30 to 12:30

Microsoft Teams