The Centre welcomes a new Vice Chair

We are pleased to announce that Superintendent Paul Ford from Hampshire Constabulary has been elected as Vice Chair for the Centre for Policing Research and Learning.

Paul has 24 years policing experience having served within front line policing, training, firearms, extreme threats strategic policy development, custody, specialist protection and counter-terrorism commands. Paul currently serves in Hampshire Constabulary as Deputy Head of Learning and Professional Development. He is passionate about developing policing and supporting training and development across policing, with a track record in delivering a people focused transformational culture that prioritises officers and staff whilst delivering strong outcomes. 

In 2018, his teams were assessed and accredited by Investors in People (IIP) achieving the highest performance benchmark assessed score across the UK. In 2019, he was awarded Employer of the Year (IIP) the first occasion that this award has been given to policing nationally through establishing a staff investment program that provide opportunities in particular to those from minority backgrounds. In 2021 he secured a further Investors in People accreditation whilst serving as Deputy Head of the National Counter Terrorism Security Office

Paul has written a number of papers for the National Police Library including an Evaluation Handbook for Police, A Police Practitioners Report Writing Handbook, A Journey into Police Legitimacy and a Guide to Cultural Auditing. Paul completed a Master’s in Criminology and Police Management where he researched counter-terrorism legitimacy complaints at Selwyn College, University of Cambridge and has recently co-authored a book chapter on CT research methodologies edited by Professor Andrew Silke.

Paul has significant experience in dealing with national policing challenges having authored both Operation Plato and Temperer. He completed the MPS review into emotionally disturbed persons and the response of firearms teams, establishing the protocols that armed the BTP and established the command and control principle that govern CT control room incident management in London. Furthermore, he has demonstrable experience of working across government including the Home Office, MOPAC, HMICFRS, MoD and Youth Justice Board.  

Paul established the Staff Investment Programme between 2017 and 2022 which has supported over 2500 officers and staff offering free qualifications in subjects including coaching, report writing, research skills, project management, leadership and safeguarding. In 2019 he established the national CT-Evidenced Based Review Group to review and promulgate academic research and identify potential research opportunities and sits as the CT thematic lead on the UK Society of Evidenced Policing Board.

On his sucessful appointment to the Vice-Chair role, Paul states:

I will promote opportunities to develop police research through collaborating with academia and policing to drive forward an innovative approach to learning and professional development whilst strengthening existing partnerships. I am very grateful for the opportunity to support colleagues from the 24 member police forces across the UK and look forward to meeting up with new and existing members over the coming months.

Paul Ford

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Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 10:30 to 12:30

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