The Oxford History of the Novel in English Vol. 10

Volume 10: The Novel in South and South East Asia since 1945

The Oxford History of the Novel in English is a comprehensive, worldwide history of English-language prose fiction in all its varieties. This pioneering multi-volume series spans more than six centuries and draws on the knowledge of a large international team of scholars. It offers a new understanding of the novel's distinctiveness, its continuity, and its global significance in the modern world.

Alex Tickell, Director of the Postcolonial Literatures Research Group, is the editor of Volume 10 of The Oxford History of the Novel in English. This volume covers the development of the anglophone novel in South and South-East Asia from 1945 to the present, and thus surveys established traditions of anglophone literature in countries such as India and Pakistan alongside newer or less well-known global English literatures in places such as Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore, and the Philippines.

The volume involved over forty international contributors (including members of the OU research group) and comprised essays on book history, key individual authors, literary movements, formal developments, and new forms of popular fiction. It covered the international growth of South and South-East Asian diaspora fiction and include English language writing from the Indian Ocean region and mainland China. In its scope and ambition, this volume of the Oxford History reshapes the parameters of postcolonial literary history, and open up new geographical and cultural areas in the study of the global novel. Volume 10 of OHNE was a major editorial project of the Postcolonial Literatures Research Group between 2014-19

Sea of Poppies - Amitav Ghosh - book cover

Sea of Poppies - Amitav Ghosh - book cover

Eileen Chang - photo

Eileen Chang

Red Guards - cover of non-copyright elementary school textbook from Guangxi 1971

Red Guards - cover of non-copyright elementary school textbook from Guangxi 1971

Contact us

Alex Tickell
Department of English
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes

Tel: +44-1908-652092
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