Classics in the Modern World - a Democratic Turn?

An International Conference held at The Open University, Milton Keynes
18-20 June 2010

Conference publication

 A 'Democratic Turn'? - cover

Lorna Hardwick and Stephen Harrison, eds., 2013, Classics in the Modern World: A 'Democratic Turn'?, Oxford: Oxford University Press (Classical Presences Series), 477 pp.

Following the 2010 international conference an edited collection has been published to present critical scrutiny of the idea of a 'democratic turn' in modern perceptions of ancient Greece and Rome. It examines how Greek and Roman material has been intertwined with issues of democracy, both in political culture and in the diffusion of classics in the arts and popular media.

The contents are also available to subscribers to Oxford Scholarship Online.

Poet in residence

Maureen AlmondMaureen Almond attened the conference as Poet-in-Residence. She read from and discussed her work on Friday evening, June 18th.  Find out more from Maureen's website (where you can read details of her publications including her latest Chasing the Ivy, which modernizes thirty-eight poems of Horace from his Odes (Bk 1).