Olga Broumas: Selected Bibliography

Selected Bibliography

M. Carruthers, 1983. ‘The Revision of the Muse: Adrienne Rich, Audre Lorde, Judy Grahn & Olga Broumas. The Hudson Review, 36/2:293-322.

C. Ingram, 2000. ‘Sappho's Legacy: The Collaborative Testimony of Olga Broumas and T. Begley. Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature,19/1:105-20.

L. Koolish, 1984. ‘Splendid Deficiencies'. Women's Review of Books, 5:10-12).

A. Ostriker, 1982. ‘The Thieves of Language: Women Poets and Revisionist Mythmaking.' Signs 8/1:68-90.

J. McIntosh Snyder, 1997. ‘Sappho and Modern American Women Poets,' in Snyder, J.M., Lesbian Desire in the Lyrics of Sappho. New York: Columbia University Press, 1997:123-59.