Shaping the OU Websites and systems of the future with student research

Jade Matos Carew, Kirsty Baker and Paul Hambidge, The Open University


Session recording












Click to download the presentation Shaping the OU Websites and systems of the future with student research (.pptx)


The Accessibility and Usability Evaluation team (AUE) is part of Learning Experience and Technology at the OU. User-centered design and the student voice is at the heart of everything we do. The AUE team is responsible for looking after the digital accessibility and usability of our centralised, student-facing websites and systems and acts as a centre of expertise and education, promoting best practice to all staff.

We recently set up a student research panel so we can test new features, components, and designs, in order to feed this research into an iterative design process and evidence the decisions we make. Through the panel, we conduct qualitative observational usability studies, (1:1/group moderated sessions and unmoderated activities) as well as engaging students in shorter rapid feedback activities such as polls, surveys, and questions in a dedicated forum space. Our findings, even the seemingly small ones, have enabled us to make real changes and improvements and open up discussions with design and product teams about innovation and future considerations, making the digital space more inclusive.

The panel allows for easier facilitation of student participation in projects. The high proportion of disabled students on our panel ensures their inclusion in our research activities and gives voice to a distinctly underrepresented group in higher education. It also enables us to conduct targeted research into aspects of accessibility and the use of assistive technology.

Most importantly, the research panel offers us the privilege and enjoyment of direct contact with students, who in turn, enjoy working and communicating with us, seeing and getting to know ‘the people behind the websites’, and really feel like they’re having an impact on shaping their present and future learning spaces at the OU.

We’d love the opportunity to take you on a tour of our research to date. We’ll look at lessons and examples of how we’ve used simple UX and usability methodology in the design and delivery of our panel activities and sessions which you can perhaps apply to your own contexts. We’ll then talk you though some examples of how the student voice from our research has had a positive impact on how we design and create our digital space for students as well as how we’re raising awareness around the OU of the importance of usability and inclusive design.


Jade Matos Carew

Jade Matos Carew

Head of Digital Accessibility and Usability, The Open Univers

Jade is Head of Digital Accessibility and Usability and looks after the Accessibility and Usability Evaluation team at The Open University. The team is responsible for evaluating the accessibility and usability of systems and websites, helping to embed best practice, create and deliver guidance and training for staff, and act as a centre of expertise.

Jade is an education professional with a wide background in teaching, teacher training, and inclusive pedagogy. She joined the OU as a product manager with a specialism in accessibility and usability, has IAAP CPACC certification and an MA in special educational needs and disability.


Kirsty Baker

Kirsty Baker

Senior Digital Accessibility and Usability Evaluation Manager, The Open University

Kirsty is a Senior Digital Accessibility and Usability Evaluation Manager in the AUE Team. She joined the team in September 2020, and prior to that worked in the OU Library.

She is experienced in accessibility evaluations of websites and apps, and conducting user research. She currently spends the majority of her time on usability evaluation projects. She is working to establish a UX research service within the AUE team so that testing with students can become a more regular activity at the OU. Part of this work was the set-up of an AUE student panel where participants can be recruited for a range of different research activities. She has recently completed a Professional Diploma in UX Design from the UX Design Institute.


Paul Hambidge

Paul Hambidge

Digital Usability and Accessibility Tester, The Open University

Paul is a Digital Usability and Accessibility Tester within The Open University’s Accessibility and Usability Evaluation (AUE) team. He started in this role at the beginning of 2022, having just completed an MSc in Computing Science.

Paul is one of the AUE Team members who looks after AUE student panel and UX service and the user testing the team undertakes with the panel. Paul also conducts accessibility evaluations and contributes creating the team’s guidance, training, and resources.