Home > Publications > Strengthening Kenyan industrial development to improve cancer care
Policy brief
Summary of Publication 

Kenya is almost 100% reliant on imports of cancer medicines, medical devices, and supplies. This policy brief outlines the extensive scope for industrial innovation to improve cancer care in Kenya and outlines policy recommendations aimed at improving demand consolidation and building other enabling health-industry linkages. 

Key messages: 

  • There are large gaps between need, demand and access to cancer care, with affordability, availability and information as major barriers
  • There is almost 100% import dependence for cancer medicines, medical devices and supplies
  • Underutilised Kenyan industrial potential exists, with extensive scope for industrial growth and innovation to improve cancer care through enhanced health-industry linkages
  • Leading requirement for industrial investment is demand consolidation with promotion of local procurement of essentials competitively produced in Kenya
  • Other key requirements include investment in skills; “patient” finance; support for technology transfer; tax and duties revisions.