Our law degree is studied by a wide range of people from all backgrounds. You can get a flavour of the different law students who have been involved with the Open Justice Centre by viewing their testimonials.
Elizabeth Hill is one of the Open Justice Centre Award winners for 2022 – and says working with the Open Justice Centre has inspired her to change her career path. She shares her story.
Iain Service is one of the recipients of a much-coveted Open Justice Centre Award for 2022. He recently graduated with a First Class Honours LLB and is continuing to volunteer with the Open Justice Centre. He shares his story.
For Kathryn Der Gregorian, her Open University ride has been quite the rollercoaster but now, with just one year to go until she graduates, mum of two Kathryn could not be happier that she stuck at it, even when the going got tough. Having just been awarded the prestigious Lincoln’s Inn Neuberger Prize, the future is looking very, very bright.
From pubs and clubs to a legal career … Sarah Tutssel-Buse is a busy mum of two and is registered deaf, but she hasn’t let that stop her from taking steps to make her dreams of helping people for a living come true.
Tomi studied part-time for a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) with The Open University Law School from 2014 to 2020. As he nears the end of his football career, he is looking to begin a new career in the legal profession.
Joseph studied full-time for a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) with The Open University Law School from 2017 to 2020, and didn’t let his OCD get in his way.
“I studied Law to fulfil a long-held personal ambition to achieve a law degree. Career and personal life had come in the way over the years, and this was coupled with a certain fear of returning to academic education after more than 20 years away from it. Friends of mine had completed the OU journey on other pathways. So, when I sought their advice, they encouraged me to pursue my ambition".
All current students and those who finished their studies within the last three years are also entitled to a careers consultation to help them plan and identify a Careers Action Plan, identify appropriate jobs or careers, and prepare for selection and interview. We also offer selected services to prospective students and those studying OU-validated modules elsewhere.
Visit our Careers and Employability service.
For detailed course-related careers information, see individual course descriptions on the main OU website.
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