Frequently asked questions

  1. What is the Open Justice Law Clinic?
  2. What does it mean by an “online” clinic? 
  3. Who can use the Law Clinic?
  4. How does the Law Clinic work?
  5. How do you get in touch with the Law Clinic?
  6. What areas of law does the Law Clinic cover?
  7. What areas of law does the Law Clinic not cover?
  8. Is there any charge for using the Law Clinic?
  9. Confidentiality in the Law Clinic
  10. When is the Law Clinic open?
  11. What are the benefits of using the Law Clinic?

1. What is the Open Justice Law Clinic?

The Open Justice Law Clinic is a student-led clinic providing free legal advice to the community. Our advice is overseen by qualified solicitors who are either faculty members of the School of Law or volunteer solicitors.

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2. What does it mean by an “online” clinic? 

The Open Justice Law Clinic does not see people face-to-face. Instead, communication is conducted via email (and telephone if required). Interviews are conducted using Adobe Connect, an online meeting technology. When an interview is arranged you will be sent a web address to click on to enter the interview. Clicking on this will give you access to an online meeting room where your student advisors will be able to speak to you online via microphones and/or video. You don’t need any special technology to be able to use Adobe Connect so you can be anywhere with internet access. You can attend an online meeting via a computer/laptop, or any mobile device. The Open Justice Law Clinic offers professional advice accessible from the comfort of your own home, office or wherever you may be located.

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3. Who can use the Open Justice Law Clinic?

The Open Justice Law Clinic is open to all members of the public, including members of the university as well as small businesses and charities.

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4. How does the Open Justice Law Clinic work?

The Open Justice Law Clinic is mainly student-led. Law students will conduct interviews, undertake research and produce a letter of advice. The work of the law students is overseen and approved by a qualified solicitor. 

A client completes an enquiry form and then if the case is accepted, an online interview is arranged. Following the interview the case is researched and a letter of advice is prepared. We aim to provide letters of advice within 3 weeks from accepting a case. 

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5. How do you get in touch with the Open Justice Law Clinic?

The Open Justice Law Clinic is an online law clinic. You complete an enquiry form and you will be contacted via email.

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6. What areas of law does the Open Justice Law Clinic cover?   

The Open Justice Law Clinic provides legal advice on a variety of problems and disputes, such as contractual disputes, employment law, tort and consumer law and small claim issues.

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7. What areas of law does the Open Justice Law Clinic not cover?  

We will not be able to take on a case that falls outside the scope of the clinic’s expertise, where there is a conflict of interest or cases that require urgent assistance. The Open Justice Law Clinic cannot pursue a claim against the Open University, its governors, employees or students. We provide advice only so we are unable to negotiate settlements to disputes or provide representation in the courts.

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8. Is there any charge for using the Open Justice Law Clinic?

No, our service is free of charge.

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9. Confidentiality in the Open Justice Law Clinic

All communications between you and your advisors (including supervising solicitors) will be in the strictest confidence, and your file is kept online on a secure server. The information you provide is subject to your instructions, the Data Protection Act 1998 and our duty of confidentiality

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10. When is the Open Justice Law Clinic open?

As the Open Justice Law Clinic is an online clinic you can contact us at any time via the enquiry form or by email. We arrange online interviews with clients during the day and evening.

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11. What are the benefits of using the Open Justice Law Clinic?

We hope that providing an online law clinic will make accessing legal advice easier and more convenient for clients. The online clinic is able to provide a service to clients in any location with an internet connection. Our clients benefit from quality legal advice that is free, easily accessible and convenient.

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