Meet our students

No one knows The Open University better than our students.  We think our students are incredible and the stories they have are inspiring.  

Tell us your story

We are always looking for students to tell us their story so if you would like to tell us how the OU has impacted your life then just get in touch to tell us you want to take part.

Email our team

Anouska stood outside smiling in OU degree ceremony robing

Meet Anouska

Find out how Anouska used the transformative power of education to overcome daunting challenges. 

Rea waving to the crowd as she receives her certificate at the OU in Belfast degree ceremony

Meet Rea

Read about Rea's journey from working with animals to working with humans.

Jason outside in OU degree ceremony robing. He's got his arms folded and is smiling into the camera

Meet Jason

Read Jason's journey from leaving school with 1 GCSE to becoming university graduate.

Nick, wearing OU degree ceremony robing, is stood in front of an OU banner stand and smiling into the camera.

Meet Nick

Find out how Nick used credit transfer to change his life.

Katie is stood outside in the sun smiling into the camera while wearing OU degree ceremony robes.

Meet Katie

Read how Katie studied while the OU helped her overcome some of life's greatest challenges.

Orlagh is shaking hands on stage as she receives her OU certificate at the Belfast degree ceremony.

Meet Orlagh

Read about Oralgh and her journey from working in retail to the IT sector.

Jenny is in a lab wearing a lab coat and gloves handling a syringe

Meet Jenny

Read more about Jenny's degree put her at the forefront of COVID-19 vaccine development.

Tanya stood in front of awards an certificates outside a lab

Meet Tanya

Read more about how Tanya got her dream job with the help of the OU.

Watch Shauna's Story

Hear how the OU offered Shauna a new challenge and sense of accomplishment.

Peter standing in a lab coat in a lab

Meet Peter

Read about how Peter used OU study to propel his career in science.

Leona standing in her nursing tunic

Meet Leona

Find out how Leona manages studying to be a nurse, working full-time and raising a family.

Watch Bobby's story

Hear how Bobby is preparing for life after football with the help of the OU.