OU Future Nurse Programmes

Students can study one of four fields of nursing in preparation for entry to the NMC register.

Find the list of courses here

For more than 20 years, we have successfully delivered a work-based Pre-Registration Nursing Programme in collaboration with healthcare employers to produce the nurses of the future and address the shortage of nurses within Northern Ireland. In Autumn 2020, we launched our innovative Future Nurse curriculum, aligning with the Nursing and Midwifery Council's standards for Nursing education (NMC 2018).

We work closely in partnership with all five Health and Social Care Trusts across Northern Ireland to provide funded student nursing opportunities for staff employed in the trusts. 

Since 2016, The Open University has also partnered with the independent sector to provide employer-funded places on the Pre-Registration Nursing Programme for staff employed in the independent sector.  

Currently there are almost 700 employees registered on the Nursing programme within both sectors. Our Department of Health funded places for HSC sector employees vary between 150-175 places each year.

For more information email our Nursing Team


Nursing is a career for all, and at The Open University we work proactively here in Northern Ireland with Queens University, Belfast and Ulster University to promote nursing as a highly rewarding career which is open to all people from all walks of life.


Future Nurse Future Midwife Programme Webinar 2024

Looking at pathways into Nursing? We recently held a webinar dedicated to covering the key information you need to know when it comes to our Future Nurse Future Midwife Programme in Northern Ireland. 

Webinar Recording

If you missed the live webinar, you can watch the recording at the link above. 

Webinar Presentation

You can view the PowerPoint slides from the live webinar by downloading the PDF. 


If you have any questions about the Nursing programme make sure you check out our handy Frequently Asked Questions document.

Meet our student nurses

Nursing Application Walkthrough

Working in partnership with

Belfast Health and social care trust logo, northern health and social care trust logo, south eastern health and social care trust logo, southern health and social care trust logo, western health and social care trust logo