Further Education partners

A young man holding a glass cube structure in his hands

The Open University holds a number of key partnerships with the local Further Education Colleges across Northern Ireland.  These partnerships are part of The Open University Validation Partnerships (OUVP).   Established in 1992, this work enables The Open University to validate programmes or courses for institutions who do not have their own degree awarding powers, or who want to offer Open University validated awards in addition to their own.  

Currently Open University Validation Partnerships have validation partnership arrangements with 5 Further Education Colleges in Northern Ireland.

You can view the full list of courses available through these partnerships on our Further Education Student Options page.

Open University Validation Partnerships work with a variety of Institutions across the UK and abroad. 

For more information about OUVP and our approved partner institutions, visit the Validation Partnerships website


The logos for Belfast Met, SRC, SWC and SERC

The logos for Belfast Met, SRC, SWC and SERC


Connected logoConnected

The Open University is a member of the Connected partnership a bespoke Northern Ireland programme to facilitate better engagement among industry, further education and higher education. 

For more information follow the link to our knowledge exchange page.