Version1 site visit for OU students


On Wednesday 18 July, Version1 hosted their first site visit for Open University (OU) students who are studying Computing and IT.

Version1 – established in 1996 with headquartered in Dublin – Is trusted by customers to deliver IT services and solutions which drive customer success. The 1000+ strong team works closely with technology partners to provide independent advice that helps customers navigate the rapidly changing world of IT. Customers include top global banks, many FTSE listed companies in the Financial Services, Utilities (incl. Oil & Gas, pan-European energy companies and major domestic water companies) and Commercial sectors as well as Public Sector organisations across local and central government. 

During the visit, students were introduced to many different teams within Version1 that look after a range of systems for clients. Students were able to ask vital questions which gave them an understanding of how the operations in each team worked, allowing them to think about how their OU studies could help to position themselves successfully when applying for student placements and graduate programmes.

Sean Butler, 29 years old from Newtownabbey is studying for a BSc (Honours) in Computing and IT said: “I am going into my fifth and final year of study and my focus is on becoming a Software Developer. I got the amazing opportunity to attend the Version1 site visit and meet with team leaders and learn about the technology they use and the vast amount of projects they are involved in.

What I took away from the day is the massive amount of positions available in the tech world that I never would have thought about for a career. I am more excited than ever to be a part of this industry with the help of the knowledge my OU degree has taught me.”

Adam McGready, ERP Technical Associate Consultant from Version1 and OU graduate said:

“It was a great experience welcoming The Open University to the Version 1 Belfast office and demonstrating to the students the range of work and technologies used within our organisation.  The students were eager and engaging throughout the visit and conveyed very well good qualities. We will certainly be pursuing closer ties with the university and fully intend to repeat the experience with them in the future.

A picture of Christine Murphy who has fair curly hair and is smiling and wearing a white jumper

For media enquiries please contact:

Christine Murphy, Communications Manager

Tel 028 9053 6219