The Open University is rated top Northern Ireland university for student satisfaction

The Open University (OU) has again been rated the top university in Northern Ireland for student satisfaction in the latest National Student Survey (NSS). This makes it the fourteenth year in a row that the OU has topped the university student satisfaction table in Northern Ireland.

Over 3,600 students are currently studying with the OU in Northern Ireland on a wide spectrum of courses, ranging from nursing to engineering. Most Open University students study part-time, are in work and are an average age of 30.

National Director of The Open University, John D’Arcy was delighted with the result, commenting: “To be rated so highly by our students again is a fantastic endorsement of our work across Northern Ireland. At The Open University, our students are our top priority. OU students often face significant barriers to studying at higher education level. Most are balancing their studies around work and caring commitments.”

“I would like to pay tribute to staff across the OU who have helped achieve this result.”

“We are proud to have helped tens of thousands of people in Northern Ireland meet their educational potential and go on to develop highly successful careers. Most of these students did not think higher education was for them, until they took the brave decision to enrol with The Open University. We will continue to put students first and work to instil a belief in as many people as possible that they are capable of higher education.”

A picture of Christine Murphy who has fair curly hair and is smiling and wearing a white jumper

For media enquiries please contact:

Christine Murphy, Communications Manager

Tel 028 9053 6219