Michelle, 31, from Belfast, has embarked on an inspiring journey of career transformation. After nearly a decade in a finance role, specifically payroll, she decided it was time for a change. Now, she’s studying for a BSc (Hons) Computing and IT (Software) with The Open University (OU) and has already secured her first IT job as a Technical Support Analyst at PA Consulting in Belfast.
“I began this degree in order to change careers. I had been working in a finance role (payroll) for almost a decade, and I had felt as though I had reached my full potential in the industry,” Michelle explains. “I knew I had an interest in software development as I had done some self-directed learning online, and so felt it was the right time to start a degree in the field.”
Michelle’s journey to higher education wasn’t straightforward. “As someone who lacked the confidence and support to go to university after I left school, I had gone through my adult life wondering if I had what it takes. I spent years doubting myself, but because I am quite stubborn, I also refuse to back down. After many years contemplating taking up a degree part-time with the OU, I finally bit the bullet and signed up.”
Studying with the OU has been a revelation for Michelle. “Studying with the OU has made me realise I can succeed, and just because I struggled with studying in school doesn’t mean I will still struggle. I have realised my potential, learned new things, and I get excited to start a new module or unit of my studies because it is rewarding and fun to study at the OU.”
Balancing work, study, and personal life, Michelle emphasises the importance of hobbies for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. She enjoys drawing, listening to music, playing video games, and hiking. “I find all these hobbies to be a great outlet to decompress from work and studying and to keep a healthy work-life balance. Being in nature is a great way to stay grounded and give me inspiration to keep going, and playing games or drawing is a great way to destress whenever I’ve been struggling with my studies or job.”
Michelle’s hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed. “I feel I am a lot more confident and hopeful since I started studying at the OU. It has allowed me to realise my potential and has given me a goal to work towards, which I find extremely motivating. I managed to secure my first IT job since starting at the OU, which has added an extra challenge to my daily life. However, I feel that this change will prove to be helpful as I will be practising what I have been studying and vice versa throughout my time with the OU.”
Her role as a Technical Support Analyst at PA Consulting has been a testament to her dedication and discipline. “My colleagues and manager are impressed with how I am studying and working at the same time. They find it impressive because it requires discipline and determination. My manager refers to me as our team’s ‘serial learner,’ which I find quite endearing!”
Her employer has been supportive and impressed by her commitment to self-improvement. “My employer commented on how my dedication to self-improvement in a subject that was relevant to the career trajectory of my position was one of the things that attracted them to me as a candidate. My studies will continue to contribute to my progression throughout the company, as we have plans for me to move into a software development role in the near future.”
“I’ve been doing some work as a front end developer for one of our projects in order to gain real-world experience in software development. This is a great opportunity because it allows me to build my confidence and learn on the job while also studying for my degree.”
Looking ahead, Michelle’s goal is clear. “My plan is to become a full-stack software engineer after obtaining my degree, which will make a significant improvement to my career prospects, quality of life, and confidence. Thank you for providing me with this opportunity to show myself what I can achieve. I am immensely grateful for what I have learned so far, and I am excited for my continued future with the OU!”
Michelle’s story is a powerful reminder that it’s never too late to change careers and pursue your passions. With determination and the right support, you can unlock our impact today.