The Open University gains Fairtrade status in Northern Ireland

Dr Christopher Stange, Dr Christopher Stange – Secretariat, Northern Ireland Assembly All Party Group on Fairtrade and Mr John Addy, Assistant Director of The Open University.

The Open University has been awarded “Fairtrade University” status in Northern Ireland by the Fairtrade Foundation in recognition of the continued promotion and use of Fairtrade certified products and its principles.

As a Fairtrade champion, The Open University is making commitments to alleviate poverty, tackle exploitation and trade injustice through Fairtrade procurement and awareness of the ethical label for the most marginalised producers in the developing world.

Led by the Fairtrade Steering Group and driven by its Fairtrade policy, the University works hard both to increase the range of Fairtrade products at its office, and also to raise awareness of the issues being tackled through Fairtrade.

Fairtrade plays a key role in The Open University’s Environmental Sustainability Vision, Policy and Corporate Social Responsibility Action Plan.

Mr John Addy – Assistant Director of The Open University said:

We are delighted that we have gained Fairtrade status here in Northern Ireland. In keeping with our mission to be open to people, places, methods and ideas, we hope to contribute to raising awareness and playing our part in tackling issues around poverty and injustice. Our team at The Open University will work hard to maintain the goals of Fairtrade status.

Dr Christopher Stange – Secretariat, Northern Ireland Assembly All Party Group on Fairtrade added: “

We are delighted by the achievement of The Open University in playing its part in the Fairtrade system across Northern Ireland to ensure that disadvantaged producers in poor countri‌es get a fair deal.

The Open University also hosts a schedule of Fairtrade events which take place throughout the year, including a range of activities in support of Fairtrade Fortnight.

A picture of Christine Murphy who has fair curly hair and is smiling and wearing a white jumper

For media enquiries please contact:

Christine Murphy, Communications Manager

Tel 028 9053 6219