The Open University and Libraries NI formalise partnership

two men pose for a photo at a computer screen

The Open University and Libraries NI​ have announced a new partnership to connect people with information, ideas and experiences to foster lifelong learning.

The agreement, in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by Libraries NI Chief Executive Jim O’Hagan and National Director of The Open University John D’Arcy, cements the strong relationship that has been built-up over many years between Libraries NI and The Open University. The Open University specialises in giving people the opportunity to study towards a higher level qualification in a way that fits around their job, family, caring commitments and also where they live. Learning resources can be accessed anytime, anywhere at a time and place that suits them.

John D’Arcy, Director of The Open University in Northern Ireland, said:

The Open University’s mission is to be open to people, places, methods and ideas. The opportunity to work with Libraries NI to offer our students the access to services such as computers, Wi-Fi and study space helps us to do this. It also allows people who wish to access our thousands of free resources on OpenLearn and FutureLearn a chance to do this in their local library, and take the first step into studying with the OU. The partnership with Libraries NI allows us to develop further our links into local communities and ensure that The Open University reaches people across the region.

Libraries NI Chief Executive Jim O’Hagan said:

“With 96 libraries across Northern Ireland offering free facilities including computers, Wi-Fi, printing and scanning facilities and study space, Libraries NI is perfectly placed to partner with The Open University. We are committed to working together to achieve our agreed objectives, to promote lifelong learning and help students access a wide range of services to undertake their studies. The services offered at local libraries can remove some of the barriers faced by those wanting to learn. These libraries provide a learning network that runs parallel with formal education but also extends far beyond it.”

It is free to become a library member and access the full range of facilities needed to assist you on your learning journey with one of the many courses available at The Open University.  For further information on the facilities available in your local library and how you can sign up to become a member visit

A picture of Christine Murphy who has fair curly hair and is smiling and wearing a white jumper

For media enquiries please contact:

Christine Murphy, Communications Manager

Tel 028 9053 6219