Exciting career networking opportunity for OU students

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Fieldfisher, a European law firm with market leading practices in many of the world’s most dynamic sectors, is opening its virtual doors to showcase the work of its Belfast hub and plans for the future.  Students and graduates of the OU are invited to learn more about what the firm does and network with the staff who work there.

If you are an OU student or graduate from the areas of Law, Business and Management, IT, Finance, HR or simillar areas. you are invited to come along and chat to them.

The OU currently has two students working with Fieldfisher in Belfast.  Here are their views on what it is like to work with this dynamic company;

I am currently in my final year of the (Graduate Entry) Law Degree with the OU. I also work full-time as a Regulatory Legal Professional at Fieldfisher Belfast Hub.  As an OU Law student, I have the flexibility to be able to work as well as study, which has allowed me to put my law skills into practice and reinforced this is the right career for me.  I started at Fieldfisher in August 2020, since then I have the opportunity to take carriage of my own files under the supervision of an Associate in our Dublin office and a Partner in our Manchester office.  The experience gained has been invaluable to building confidence in my legal skills.  The Team I work with is fantastic, always happy to help out in any way they can.

Fieldfisher provides many possible routes and career progressions, which can be great for anyone unsure about what path to take after graduating.  I have thoroughly enjoyed my first few months at Fieldfisher, everyone at the Belfast Hub is so welcoming and there can be great 'banter' in the office.  I very much look forward to a very long and enjoyable future at Fieldfisher Belfast Hub.

Tamy Conn, OU Law LLB Student & Regulatory Legal Professional at Fieldfisher

Studying at the Open University full time for my LLB (Hons), while working full time has its fair share of hurtles to overcome, however; I could not do it if it wasn’t for the supportive atmosphere the Fieldfisher Belfast Hub provides. This can be said for Fieldfisher as a whole, but my experience with our Belfast Hub is one of genuine interest, support and encouragement.  

I have been at Fieldfisher now for two years, and currently in the beginning of my second year of studies through the OU. I am a Records Administrator for the Intellectual Property team, which allows me an opportunity to see cases progress from start to finish, and the details in between. Studying Law, while working in the legal field is an interesting dynamic. The more I learn with the OU, the more my eyes are opened at Fieldfisher, and vice versa. The two really play off each other and it’s a great experience to use in my learning.

Fieldfisher is also very keen on ensuring you know the progression routes available to you, and often, my manager and supervisors will check in with me to ask about my studies, and my career goals within Fieldfisher. There is a valued sense of cooperation and I have seen my role progress in line with my career path, which is very encouraging.

Sean Egerton (Records Administrator)

Lisa Algie, Office Manager in the Fieldfisher Belfast Hub invites you to come and join them;

"Fieldfisher Belfast Hub are delighted to recruit across a variety of sectors and are keen to engage with those who have a strong work ethic combined with passion for continuing development in their chosen field. Amongst our existing staff we currently employ two current Open University students, both studying law whilst working full time, and an Open University graduate. As an employer we are keen to support candidates working towards qualifications and recognise the commitment and determination this takes."

So instead of learning about Fieldfisher by reading about them online, a better way to discover more about them as a firm, their people and culture, is by joining them at their Virtual Networking Evening on Tuesday 8 December at 6pm.  Register today via the website link below:


If you are an employer who would like to know more about recruiting OU students then drop an email to our Employability Manager, Nicola Joyce at nicola.joyce@open.ac.uk 

A picture of Christine Murphy who has fair curly hair and is smiling and wearing a white jumper

For media enquiries please contact:

Christine Murphy, Communications Manager

Tel 028 9053 6219