Eight things you may not know about OU student nurses

two nurses chatting to each other

Did you know you can train to be a nurse with The Open University! Not many people do – so we’re trying to spread the word.

Here are some facts about OU student nurses:


1. They work incredibly hard

They all study and work in healthcare jobs at the same time as their studies, and some are also caring for their families, be it young children, caring responsibilities for other family members or elderly parents, never mind everything else that comes up in life.


2. They train all over Northern Ireland!

From Fermanagh to Antrim to Newry, OU student nurses are spread the length and breadth of Northern Ireland, with OU student nurses in every hospital in Northern Ireland and some in the private sector nursing homes.


3. They highly rate our nursing training

91% of our students are satisfied or more than satisfied with their course, and the OU is ranked eighth in the UK among all universities offering nursing degrees.  We are also the top university in Northern Ireland for overall student satisfaction.


4. There are probably more OU nursing students than you think

We train 185 student nurses every year through funding from the Department of Health in the Northern Ireland executive – and all are supported by their employer, whether that be a HSC Trust or a private nursing care organisation. Organisations can invest in their workforce and ‘grow their own’ registered nurses with the OU.


5. Our study is really flexible

Our student nurses complete their degree over four years in a flexible way – it’s work-based but is supported by open learning – with online and tutor support.


6. They work in many areas

OU student nurses work in many areas with our future nurse programme covering:

  • Adult Nursing
  • Mental Health Nursing
  • Learning Disabilities Nursing
  • Children and Young People Nursing


7. We are helping many nurses to qualify

Since it began in 2002, more than 1500 nurses have qualified across the UK through our OU nursing degree.


8. Training that meets their needs

Many of our students choose the OU over traditional universities offering nurse training because it better fits their needs. This may be because they need to work while they train, it is better geographically, or perhaps they need to work around their personal circumstances



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A picture of Christine Murphy who has fair curly hair and is smiling and wearing a white jumper

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Christine Murphy, Communications Manager

Tel 028 9053 6219