Library Services is committed to working with you to improve existing services and resources and to develop new ones.
Twice each year, we invite a sample of students to join via email with a link to a short online survey. Each member is only required to be on the panel for one year and during that time to take part in up to a maximum of four pieces of research. However, students have the option of opting out of the panel or a piece of research at any time. Examples of the types of research activity include website usability testing, telephone interviews, online surveys and forums.
Here are some students talking about the benefits of being a member of the Library Student Panel.
If you would like any more information about the panel, email
You said | We did |
You said you wanted chapters on our training video recordings to help you navigate to sections relevant to you. | We added chapters to three of our most popular training session recordings: Introduction to Library Services, The Why and How of Referencing and Improving Your Experience Accessing Online Resources - all on our YouTube channel. |
You said you thought the 'News' button on the top navigation bar of the Library website contained national and international news, not OU library news. | We moved 'News' to 'About the library' on the website, making it clearer that the news button is about the OU Library. |
When using Library Search, you said you expected tool tips when hovering over icons. | We added tool tips to Library Search. Now when your cursor hovers over icons, you are presented with a description of its purpose. |
When using Library Search, you said you expected to go to the Library Search homepage rather than the Library website when you clicked the 'Library Home' button. | We changed 'Library Home' to 'Library Website' so you knew exactly where the button would take you. The 'New Search' button takes you to the Library Search homepage. |
Some of the menu headings on our website weren’t quite clear. | We are improving the menu headers and making sure pages are easier to find. |
You were flexible about online training run-times. | We’ve tailored our library training sessions to allow for more in-depth teaching on trickier topics as well as short sessions for quick introductions. |
You would like an introduction to the library earlier in your studies. | We developed the Being an OU Student free course, which includes an introduction to the library. |
You said Students in Secure Environments (SiSE) could use more support in getting library resources. | We worked with OUSA and others to develop a student volunteer programme designed to help connect SiSE with library resources. |
The Library needed to do more promotion of our fabulous library training sessions. | We ramped up promotion of our live and recorded library training through social media, which has increased attendance and views. |
You wanted more training on digital skills. | We added new ‘digital capabilities’ topics added to expand our programme. |
Every year we talk to some of you about your perceptions and expectations of the online library at the start of your studies and find out about your experiences of using library services and resources. We are building these into case studies to help Library staff make better decisions about the services we offer.
Learn how to access library databases, take advantage of the functionality they offer, and devise a proper search technique.