ORDO: Uploading Data Management Plans

The Open University Research Data Management Policy includes a requirement for all Data Management Plans (DMPs) to be uploaded to ORDO. This guidance explains how to upload your document to ORDO. For guidance on how to write a DMP, please refer to our Data Management Plans webpage.

How to upload a Data Management Plan to ORDO

  1. Login to ORDO using your Open University Computer Username (OUCU) and password.
  2. In the My Data area, click on “Create a new item”
  3. Drag and drop the file, or use the “Browse files” function to attach your DMP.
  4. Complete the metadata form, paying particular attention to the following:
    1. Include the name of your project in the “Item title” field
    2. Select “Data Management Plan” as the item type
    3. To make your DMP more findable, use keywords that describe your methodology, as well as your research topic. (e.g. “interview data, survey data, participatory research, software design, database design”)
    4. If you would like to keep your DMP private, use the “Add embargo” option on the right-hand menu. Please select “Request access to files” so that other OU researchers can contact you if they’d like to see your plan to inform their own research
  5. Once you have completed the metadata form, click “Submit for review”. This will send the DMP to the Library Research Support team for approval. If there are any issues with the plan or the metadata, we will contact you.

If you have any questions about this process please contact the OU Library Research Support Team.

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Library Research Support team