European Union Open Access policies
Horizon 2020 funding stream
- All peer reviewed publications are subject to the Open Access (OA) policy, researchers can comply with the Horizon 2020 policy through Green or Gold routes.
- Gold OA charges are eligible costs to Horizon 2020 grants. You will need to indicate expected costs in your grant proposal. Contact the Library Services Research Support team for help estimating them.
- Provided your publisher's embargo is no longer than 6 months (12 for Social Sciences and Humanities), you can comply by depositing your final accepted version into an OA repository at acceptance.
- All publications should acknowledge the terms ["European Union (EU)" and "Horizon 2020"] or ["Euratom" and Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018"], and the name of the Horizon 2020 action, acronym and grant number.
Further guidance on Horizon 2020
FP7 funding stream
Researchers funded by Seventh Research Framework Programme (FP7) projects must ensure open access to peer reviewed research articles resulting from funding in certain areas.
The policy (pdf) applies to these research areas: Energy, Environment, Health, Information and Communication Technologies (Challenge 2: Cognitive Systems, Interaction, Robotics), Research Infrastructures (e-Infrastructures), Science in Society, Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities.
Outputs can be made OA via the
- Gold route and fees can be charged to project grants or,
- Green route by deposit in ORO within 6 months of publication (Energy, Environment, Health, Information and Communication Technologies, Research Infrastructures), or 12 months of publication (Science in Society, Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities)