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COVID-19 and what the digital divide means for people’s livelihoods in Kenya

Measures to control the current pandemic impact more heavily on everyone whose access to internet and digital technologies is limited. But in some countries, the impact can be particularly devastating, says Anna Colom. 

Female market stall holder in Nairobi, Kenya

Interdisciplinary research routes on gender and social policy

This blog by Dr Lorena Lombardozzi, Lecturer in Economics, outlines an event held by the Open University's Gender and Social Policy research group: 'Building the OU gender - social policy network, global governance and policy impact'

World Access to Higher Education Day - The power of education

"The precious ‘real world’ insights that academics try to decipher in silent velvety libraries, are what many OU students experience in their lives". Dr Lorena Lombardozzi highlights the power of education.


The Golden Ticket

What might a visit to the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, the Museum of Modern Art, a UN diplomat, Saint Peter’s Cathedral, Geneva, and the World Conference on Online Learning have to do with interdisciplinarity?

Mount Everest, photo taken by Kirsteen

Running at the Top of the World

Open University PhD student, Kirsteen Merrilees, has just completed the Everest Marathon! Before she set off, she wrote us a blog outlining her preparations.

Photo of Professor Xiangming Chen presenting at workshop

Building a BRI Network at The Open University

Dr Lorena Lombardozzi reflects on an Open University workshop exploring China's Belt and Road Initiative and laying the foundations for a new research network.

Why no change? Sustainable development, extractivism and the environment in Bolivia

Today's blog is by Dr Jessica Hope, Vice-Chancellor’s Research Fellow at the University of Bristol & Chair of the Developing Areas Research Group of the Royal Geographical Society.

Opening up Development: including the elder refugee group in debates and policies

In this blog, Dr Sameen Zafar reminds us of the need to include overlooked elder refugee groups in development debates and policies

Stock image of lecture theatre

Innovation for Development in a new societal era

Innogen's Professor Theo Papaioannou reflects on the International Development Summer Course.

Photograph of a large banking building in Amsterdam

Financialization: in search of some much-needed coherence in its operationalization and in future empirical research

This blog, written by Pauline Gleadle, Visiting Professor at The Open University, reflects on a recent workshop she led

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International Development Research Office
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)1908 858502