
Photo of Jonathan speaking at an event, he is wearing a smart grey suit

Jonathan Ellis, National Chair, City of Sanctuary United Kingdom

Jonathan Ellis, Project Director for Detention Forum and National Chair of City of Sanctuary UK, shares his experience of engaging with the online CVSL courses.

Photo of Peta Wilkinson, Cheif Executive of Willen Hospice, smiling infront of flowers. She has short blonde hair, a white cardigan and funky leopard print glasses on

Dr Peta Wilkinson, Chief Executive of Willen Hospice, Milton Keynes

Dr Peta Wilkinson, Chief Executive of Willen Hospice, discusses the benefits gained from her involvement as a participant in one of CVSL's Learning Clubs.

Photo of Dr Ann Limb smiling at the camera. She has blonde hair with a fringe and blue eyes. She looks happy and relaxed.

Dr Ann Limb (CBE)
Chair of the Scout Association

Dr Ann Limb was a keynote speaker at the Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership's Annual Conference 2018. Here, she talks about the importance of the centre's work.

Photo of Ian Revell (right) next to Dr Fidele Mutwaraisbo (centre) from the Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership

Ian Revell, CEO, Milton Keynes Community Foundation

Ian Revell (pictured on the right) discusses the benefits gained from his involvement as a participant in one of CVSL's Learning Clubs.

Photo of the Small Charity week logo which is brightly coloured with splashes of yellow, red, pink, green, blue and purple

Dr Catherine Oakley in conversation with Louise Ennis

This video features Dr Catherine Oakley, Executive Director of the Rowntree Society and Louise Ennis from Community First Yorkshire.

Photo of an aquaponics operation in action. This is where fish excrement is used to fertilse the growing of crops in a symbiotic environment. The image shows rows of lettuce leaves growing just above a tank

Wayne Wilson, Civil Engineer, volunteer and CVSL student

Wayne has a background in civil engineering. He is now involved in the development of affordable housing and aquaponics.

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