Call for CVSL PhD Studentship project

Image shows a female in a yellow jumper sitting at a desk and typing on a laptop. Photo credit Christin Hume, Unsplash

The Open University Business School invites applications for a number of full-time funded PhD studentships beginning 1 February 2021 on ‘Responding to COVID-19 and the Climate Emergency’.

Projects focused on the pandemic and its aftermath cover a variety of topics from rethinking relations between organisations and the material/natural environment; to gender, ethnicity and class at work and social inequalities laid bare by the pandemic; and the future of work through empirical research with workers. Others focus on the lived experience of uncertainty for managers and organisations; the role of inter-organisational collaboration in rebuilding civil society; and expectations and perceptions of service providers and customers during the pandemic.

CVSL has a specific project proposal: Collaboration and civil society post COVID-19. This project aims to explore the role of inter-organisational collaboration in rebuilding civil society following COVID-19. Candidates are invited to develop a proposal that focuses on the practice of collaboration in the UK voluntary sector. Theoretically, the proposal should build on practice-based theory of collaboration including the theory of collaborative advantage (Huxham and Vangen, 2005). An engaged form of research, including for example interventionist and action research is likely to be most appropriate. 

For more information on the studentships and to apply, please visit the OU Business School website.

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