The Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership (CVSL) based at The Open University invites expression of interest in joining a virtual learning club on CVSL’s course on leadership in voluntary organisations.
Following a successful roll out of local learning clubs in Milton Keynes and York, CVSL is inviting applications to join a virtual learning club – a learning club with virtual facilitation. Places on the course will be limited to 12-15 people and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. The online resources of the course can be accessed here.
To maximise the benefits and create a good learning environment those participating in the virtual learning club will commit to completing the courses within indicative timelines. Applicants will be expected to study independently for approximately 3 hours per week for 5 weeks to complete the Developing leadership in voluntary sector course (15 hours over 5 weeks) and 3 hours per week for 8 weeks to complete the course Collaborative leadership in voluntary organisations (24 hours over 8 weeks). In addition, participants are invited to, and expected to attend, two virtual 1hr 15 minutes supportive learning club sessions for the Developing leadership course and three virtual 1hr 15m long supportive learning club sessions for the Collaborative leadership course. These sessions will give participants the opportunity to share their learning during the intervening period and benefit from peer learning. Communications between sessions will be through a closed social media group.
Please note, the courses are available for individual learners and it is not necessary to join the learning clubs to access the course material or to gain your Statement of participation at the end of the course.
If you would like to join the virtual learning club, please upload complete the application form and a starter questionnaire. Completed application forms and starter questionnaires should be submitted by email to Dr Fidèle Mutwarasibo. The indicative week for the launch of the virtual learning clubs is the week starting on May 11th, 2020. Applicants are reminded to indicate in their emails the learning club they are interested in joining.
If you have any further queries, please contact Fidèle.