Dr David Jones has led a critical exploration of ‘Borderline Personality Disorder’ (BPD) in a Special Edition of The Journal of Psychosocial Studies as part of his work in the Critical and Psychosocial Mental Health Group in the School of Psychology at The Open University.
A piece of textile art inspired by a Psychology research project has gone on display at Northern Ireland’s Linen Biennale. ‘The Belfast Quilt’ was the brainchild of Heather Richardson, Staff Tutor in English and Creative Writing.
A new publication co-edited by Dr Lara Frumkin, The Open University, considers a range of issues faced by those researching terrorism and counter terrorism, asking vital questions about the future of terrorism research.
A new online course, jointly developed by experts at The Open University and the University of Northampton, is now available for social care professionals who work with Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children (UASC) and separated or lone migrant young people.
A new OU Psychology talk, ‘Neurodiversity, ADHD and Identity – an introduction to some qualitative research’ describes the neurodiversity movement as providing powerful new ways of understanding and improving the lives of many people.
A recent talk by OU Professor Peter Hegarty, Co-Director of the Open Psychology Research Centre (OPRC), uses the newly minted King Charles III coins as an introduction to left-to-right asymmetries in the arts, written word, and sciences – and the significance of the ‘spatial agency bias’.
The Open University, in collaboration with Staffordshire and Keele Universities, has been awarded £24k from the Road Safety Trust for research on the policing of distracted driving, and officer understanding of the dangers of handsfree mobile phone use behind the wheel.
The Open Psychology Research Centre (OPRC) supports a range of events like book-launches, research meetings, talks from external speakers, and conferences.
The Open University (OU) is a partner in the G-VERSITY consortium. This event capitalizes on the presence of six of the G-VERSITY fellows in the region to provide the OU research community this opportunity to engage with their emerging research. Their work will be of particular interest to social scientists with interests in gender in psychology in a European context, and who are PhD students or early career researchers themselves.