Seminars hosted by ICHCPJ 2000-2007


12 December 2007: Histories of Crime and the Media

Andrea Mackenzie (University of Victoria), An ‘incoherent magazine of Trash and Scandal’?  Crime reporting and the Ordinary of Newgate’s Account 1676-1772

Rosalind Crone (The Open University), From Jemmy Catnach to Edward Lloyd: Changing methods of reporting violent crime for lower-class readers in mid-nineteenth century London

Robert Shoemaker (University of Sheffield), Representations of Crime and Criminal Justice in the Old Bailey Sessions Proceedings 1720-1780

Randall McGowen (University of Oregon), The newspapers and gallows in late eighteenth century England

Simon Devereaux (University of Victoria) Execution lost and found: Using London newspapers to track the punishment of crime 1790-1837

Esther Snell (University of Southampton Solent) Crimes and misdemeanours: Newspaper reporting on petty offences

Peter King (The Open University), Plenary Discussion

16 February 2007: Policing and Violence After and Between the Wars

Clive Emsley (The Open University), The ‘Brutalized Veteran’ and Violence in Europe after the Great War

Stefan Nyzell (University of Malmö), Contentious Violence and Identity among Swedish Policemen in the 1920s and 1930s

Louise Jackson (University of Edinburgh), Good Time Girl: a movie, a murder and a ‘moral panic’

John Carter Wood (Open University), A Study in Interwar Victimisation: Police, Press, Public and the 'Tragic Widow of Coleford'


1 December 2006: Moral Panics, News Media and the Law in Eighteenth-Century England

Speaker: David Lemmings (All Soul's College, Oxford)

19 October 2006: Duelling, the Press anf the Law in Late Eighteenth Century England

Speaker: Donna Andrew (University of Guelph, Toronto)

10 April 2006: Juvenile Rescue and Reform: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

Peter King (The Open University), From Refuge to Reformatory. The Evolution of Britain’s First State-funded Juvenile Reformatory – the London Refuge for the Destitute 1805-1830

Abi Wills (Oxford University), Strategies of Resistance within English Residential Institutions for Juvenile Delinquents 1950-1970

Pam Cox (Essex University), Girls and the Politics of Protection: Historical and Contemporary Comparisons

Plenary Discussion with input from Heather Shore (Leeds Metropolitan University)

10 February 2006: Policing and Punishment in Inter-War Europe

Professor Clive Emsley (The Open University), Controlling and Punishing in the Inter-War Years

Followed by an open discussion led by Francis Dodsworth and Paul Lawrence (The Open University)

Michael Hassett (The Open University), The Use of Deportation Against British-based Irish Nationalists, 1920 – 1974

Stef Slater (Royal Holloway College), Policing Prostitution in London’s West End


21 October 2005: Perspectives on the history of Crime and Policing

Shane Sullivan, The newspaper apology as a secular penance 1768-1820: The Kentish Gazette as a forum for the informal resolution of legal disputes

Chris Williams, Film - October 1968

Graeme Dunstall, The "invited guest" comes to stay: Maori and the New Zealand criminal justice system in the first half of the twentieth century

15 July 2005: Prevention v. Detection

Francis Dodsworth, Crime and its Prevention after 1750: Vice, Temptation and the Corruption of the Body Politic

Dave Cox, Prevention or detection – a comparative study of the provincial and metropolitan employment of Bow Street Principal Officers 1792-1834

Bruce Smith, Metal Theft and the Law in London, 1750-1850

Bob Morris, Investigating Criminal Investigation

18 March 2005: Themes in the History of Crime, Justice and Policing in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Britain

Jim Sharpe (York University), Cheshire Coroners Inquests in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries; Some Preliminary Thoughts

Sharon Howard (University of Wales at Aberystwyth), Abuses of Authority? Local Communities, Law Officers and the Courts in North-East Wales 1660-1720

John Beattie (University of Toronto), John Fielding and the Bow Street magistrates' court

Esther Snell (Christchurch Canterbury), Representations of Crime in the eighteenth-Century Newspaper: The Construction of Crime Reportage in the Kentish Post

25 February 2005: Criminal Justice History in Ireland and Scotland

Richard McMahon, The prosecution of homicide in Ireland 1801-50

David Smale, The development of the new police in the Scottish Border counties circa 1830-60

David Barrie, From Epoch-Making Beginnings to Lingering Death: The Rise and Fall of the Glasgow Police Commission 1779-1846

Mark Theodorson, Policing and Borders in Northern Ireland between 1921 and the present


15 October 2004: Crime and Policing in Europe

Michael Rowe, Napoleonic policing in the départements réunis

Anja Johansen, Legitimate and non-legitimate police violence: French and German police instructions and political debates c. 1900-1914

Daniel Vyleta, Re-writing criminality: Austro-German criminalistics and its critique of Fin-de-Siècle criminology

5 April 2004: The Policing of Vice – 1890-1939

Susan Mumm, Policing the White Slave Trade, 1870-1920

Stefan Slater, The Policing of Foreign Prostitutes in London during the 1930s

Mara Keire, Managing Urban Morality: Reformers, the Police, and Red-Light Districts in the USA, 1890-1917


28 November 2003: Nineteenth-Century Detective Policing

Bob Morris, ‘Crime does not pay’: Nineteenth-Century London Detectives

Clive Emsley, ‘From ex-con to ex-pert’: French Police Detectives in the Nineteenth Century

Randall McGowen, The Bank of England and the Policing of Forgery, 1797-1821

30 and 31 May 2003: Conflict and Legality: Policing Mid-Twentieth Century Europe

Jonathan Dunnage, The Policing of an Italian province during the Fascist Period

Gerald Blaney, The Civil Guard and the Spanish Second Republic

Christoph Jahr, Policing Anti-Semitic crime in Weimar Germany

Nadine Rossol, The Anti-Semitic Policy of Cologne’s police in the Nazi Period

Philip Blood, Kurt Daleuge and the Militarization of the Ordnungpolizei

Nick Terry, Enforcing German Rule in Russia, 1941-1944: Policing the Occupation

Mark Roodhouse, The 'Ghost Squad': Undercover Policing in London, 1945-49

Cyrille Finjaut and Jos Smeets, Wrestling with the past in the Netherlands: the realization of the Police Law 1957

7 March 2003: Perspectives on Crime and Policing

Shane Ewen, The Politics of Police Play: Training, Discipline and Civic Culture in the twentieth-century city

Sean O’Connell, The History of Joyriding

Roger Swift, Policing Chartism, 1839-1848: The Role of the Specials' Reconsidered

Prashant Kidambi, Police, Public Safety and Public Order in Bombay, 1890-1912


18 October 2002: Perspectives on Crime and Policing

James Whitfield, Metropolitan Police Culture, Alienation and West Indian Immigrants, 1950-1970

Stephanie Cronin, The Iranian Gendarmerie in 1920s

Clive Emsley, 'Get up and fight like a man' violence and the English bobby

1 July 2002: Early Modern Crime and Policing

Drew Gray, A 'well constructed and efficient system of police'? Constables, substitutes and the watching systems in the City of London c.1750-1839

Dave Cox, 'Straining with bodie and braine': The provincial use of Bow Street Runners 1792-1839

Jens Chr V. Johansen, From Town Reeve to Chief Constable

Julie Gammon, Rape prosecutions and the burden of proof in England, c.1640-1828

19 April 2002: Legal Memoirs and Autobiographies

Paul Lawrence, Fact or Fiction? The Autobiographies of the French and English Police.

Chris Williams, Policing, and self-policing: George Bakewell, the ex-constable

Donna Loftus, Advocates and autobiography: the life writing of barristers in the late nineteenth century

22 February 2002: Perspectives on Crime and Policing

Bob Morris, Public Accountability and the Metropolitan Police, 1829 - 1929

Mark Roodhouse, Policing the petrol black market in Britain, 1939-50

Barry Godfrey, Sentencing, Theatre, Audience and Communication - The Victorian and Edwardian magistrates' courts and their message


19 October 2001: Comparative Perspectives on Policing

David Welsh, Policing Prostitution in Hull during the mid-nineteenth century

Fewtrell Clements, A Divided Empire: Policing in Wales between 1839 and 1856

Peter King, Gender and Recorded Crime. The long term impact of female offenders on the prosecution statistics 1700 - 1900

18 May 2001: Comparative Perspectives on Policing

Georgina Sinclair, Get into a Crack Force and earn £20 a month. The influence of the Palestine Police upon Colonial Policing

Gerald Blaney, Old Guard, New Regime: The Civil Guard and the Second Spanish Republic, 1931-1936

Francis Dodsworth, Re-assessing the New Police: Governmental Culture in London and Manchester, c.1750-1850

2 March 2001: Policing Juveniles: Protection or Control?

Alyson Brown, Child Prostitution and Child Abuse, a Police Issue in Inter-war England?

Louise Jackson, Women Police and Child Welfare in Inter-war Britain: Protection or Control?

Heather Shore, Policing Juveniles in Early Nineteenth-Century London


27 October 2000: The Police and Violence, 1850-1950

Clive Emsley, 'Kicking your wife to death': Violence and English Society, 1900-1950

Chris A. Williams, Brian Rix, Thurso Boy, and the Rhino Whip

John Archer, Police Violence in North-West England, 1850-1900

10 April 2000: Perspectives on Policing

Gerry Oram, 'A serious example is necessary': The British Army and the Death Penalty 1900-1918

Victor Bailey, The Shadow of the Gallows: The Death Penalty and the British Labour Government, 1945-51

Wilbur Miller, Are the English Police Becoming More American? - or were they always that way?

Policeman photo

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Faculty of Arts
The Open University
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Milton Keynes

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