Workshop programme

Framing Financial Crisis and Protest: Pressures on Cultural Identity and Citizenship

Workshop at the Open University, Camden Town, London, 30 July – 1 August

DAY 1: Thursday 30 July 2015

Session 1 (9:30-12:45, coffee break 11:00-11:15)

Question 1: What are the key considerations in communicating the rationale of the financial crisis for public understanding?

Question 2: What social and political factors encourage or discourage a public response to the financial crisis?

Terrence McDonagh   [National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland] “Interact Global, Sink Local: A Euro-example of Scale in the Global Neoliberal Crisis”

Ruth Pearson [Leeds University, UK] “Transcending the impact of the financial crisis in the United Kingdom: towards plan F -- a feminist economic strategy” (with Diane Elson)

Tao Papaioannou and Mike Hajimichael [Nicosia University, Cyprus] “Paradise Lost: Media Representation and the 2013 Financial and Political Crises in Cyprus”

Lisa McKenzie [London School of Economics, UK]How do we activate sociologists as well as the electorate?”

Helen Yanacopulos [Open University UK] “European Solidarity in Crisis”

Session 2 (14:00-17:15, coffee break 15:30-15:45) Discourses of Immigration and the Far Right

Satnam Virdee [Glasgow University, Scotland UK] “The Ongoing Project of Re-Racializing Britain” / “Racism, nationalism and the emergent crisis of the British state: Some thoughts on Scotland”

Les Levidow [Open University, UK] “UK securitisation targeting ‘suspect communities’”

Nicholas de Genova [King’s College London, UK] “In the Land of the Setting Sun: Reflections on ‘Islamization’ and ‘Patriotic Europeanism’”

Giorgos Tsimouris [Panteion University Athens, Greece] “From Mainstream to Extreme: Casino Capitalism, Fascism and the Re-bordering of Immigration in Greece”

Cultural programme -- music and songs -- at the workshop venue from 5:45-7:00pm

Dinner: 19:30

DAY 2: Friday 31 July 2015

Session 3 (9:30-12:45, coffee break 11:00-11:15) Citizenship and Borders

Theodoros A Spyros [Hellenic Open University, Greece] “Cultural Capital, Cosmopolitan Identities and International Division of Labor in Crisis-ridden Greece”

Ioannis Balampanidis [Panteion University Athens, Greece] “The SYRIZA way to power (and back again?): Framing crisis, national identity and protest” (with Katerina Lamprinou)

Miguel Vicente-Mariño [University of Valladolid, Spain] “Regional, National and International spheres in the self-proclaimed new Spanish polítical parties”

John Seed [Roehampton University, UK] “UKIP and the reserve army of Labour”

Lee Monaghan, Martin Power, Micheal O’Flynn [Limerick University/University College Dublin, Ireland] “Scapegoating During a Time of Crisis: A Critique of Post-Celtic Tiger Ireland”

Session 4 (14:00-15:30) Geographies of Crisis

Susan Steed [Brixton Pound/Occupy Tours UK] “Money and Geography”

Meglena Zlatkova [Plovdiv University, Bulgaria] “The City and the Protest – mapping the public space in Bulgarian cities (The cases of Sofia and Plovdiv 2013)”

Coffee break 15:30-15:45

Session 5.1 (15:45-17:15) Public Protests: Riots, Marches, Demonstrations, Occupations

Sophie Nield  [Royal Holloway London, UK]  “Tahrir Square, EC4M: the Occupy movement and the dramaturgy of public order”

Mike Hajimichael [Nicosia University, Cyprus] “Resistance through Souvla and Kremala – performative acts and actions in a protest in Cyprus 2013”

Dinner  19:30

DAY 3: Saturday 1 August 2015

Session 5.2 (9:30-12:45, coffee break 11:00-11:15) Public Protests: Riots, Marches, Demonstrations, Occupations

Carl-Ulrik Schierup and Aleksandra Ålund [Linköping University, Sweden] “A moment for social justice? -- Reading the Stockholm riots” (with Lisa Kings) / “Reclaiming Sweden Crisis, Riots and New (Counter-) Movements”

Karim Murji [Open University, UK]  “Riot: Race and Politics in the 2011 Disorders” (with Sarah Neal)

Marnie Holborow [Dublin City University, Ireland] “Austerity and the entrepreneurial university” / “The case of the Irish Protest Movement against Austerity”

Lee Monaghan and Micheal O’Flynn [Limerick University/University College Dublin, Ireland] “More Than Anarchy in the UK: ‘Social Unrest’ and its Resurgence in the Madoffized Society”

Stoyan Antonov [Plovdiv University, Bulgaria] “The Bulgarian Protests: an Extreme Case”

Occupy London Tour 15:00-17:30

Dinner  19:30