Yanna Tzourmana

Yanna Tzourmana studied Sociology and History at Panteion University, Athens (PhD) and Paris, University Paris I – Pantheon Sorbonne (DEA). She currently teaches European History at the School of Humanities, Studies in European Civilization, Hellenic Open University and the post-graduate course ‘Britain and the Americas in the long eighteenth century’ at the Postgraduate Program of Political Science and History, Panteion University (Adjunct lecturer). Her field is Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Cultural History (Europe and the US) - explored within the categories and narratives of the promises (knowledge, power, identity) both of modernism and post-modernism. Her book [forthcoming (estimated, 2014)] on British Reform and the expression of revolutionary sympathies reflects, inter alia, recent interests in notions of protest, resistance, and crisis. 

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