Nikos Vafeas

Nikos Vafeas is currently assistant professor of Political Sociology in the Department of Philosophy and Social Studies at the University of Crete. His research interests focus on the History and Sociology of Collective Action and Social Protest during the 19th and the 20th Centuries, on the phenomenon of Political Violence in its various forms, on the process of the politicization of popular strata in modern times, and on the methodology and epistemology of Historical Sociology. He has recently published a book [in Greek] titled: From Bandit to Rebel: the armed movements of the Yagas brothers in Samos (1914-1925), Athens 2012.

Selected Pulications:

N. Vafeas, «Le campagne elettorali in Grecia: un primo approccio», in La campagna elettorale nell’Europa mediterranea (secoli XIX-XX), special issue of Memoria e Ricerca, 8 (luglio-dicembre 2001), pp. 79-97.

N. Vafeas, «La politica greca degli anni Venti e Trenta fra violenza fisica e violenza verbale», in La violenza politica tra le due guerre mondiali. Culture, pratiche e linguaggi nell’Europa mediterranea, special issue of Memoria e Ricerca, 13 (maggio-agosto 2003), pp. 69-88.

N. Vafeas – N. Kotaridis, «De la “Tercera Civilización Helénica» al «paciente en quirófano»: Antiparlamentarismo y Anticomunismo en el régimen del 4 de agosto de 1936 y en la Dictadura del 21 de abril de 1967 », in Las dictaduras del sur de Europa: Grecia, Portugal y España, special issue of STUDIA HISTORICA. HISTORIA CONTEMPORANEA, vol. 21 (2003), pp. 65-81.

N. Vafeas, «Περί της συγκριτικής μεθόδου στην ιστορική κοινωνιολογία» [“On the Comparative Method in Historical Sociology”], in S. Papaioannou (ed.), Ζητήματα θεωρίας και μεθόδου των κοινωνικών επιστημών [Theoretical and Methodological Issues in the Social Sciences], Athens: Kritiki Publications, 2007, pp. 411-425 [in Greek].

N. Vafeas, « La révolte de 1849-1850 dans la Principauté de Samos : Un aspect déviant du mouvement national grec », in M. Efthymiou (ed.), La société grecque sous la domination ottomane. Economie, identité, structure sociale et conflits, Paris - Athens : Hêrodotos, 2010, pp. 341-415.

N. Vafeas, «Εξήγηση και κατανόηση στην ιστορική κοινωνιολογία» [“Causal Explanation and Hermeneutics in Historical Sociology”], Axiologika, vol. 23 (May 2010), pp. 41-56 [in Greek].

N. Vafeas – V. Tzoukas, «Από την Αντίσταση στη Βουλή: πρώην Εδεσίτες στα κοινοβουλευτικά έδρανα» [“From the Resistance to the Parliament: Ex–Members of E.D.E.S. Organization becoming MPs”], Dokimes, vol. 15-16 (Fall 2010), pp. 263-284 [in Greek].

N. Vafeas, « La Grèce d'Europe et la Grèce d'Asie: l'île de Samos entre l'Empire ottoman et l'État national grec (XIXe et XXe siècles)», in H. Antoniadis-Bibicou, M. Aymard, A. Guillou (sous la direction de), L’homme et son environnement dans le sud-est européen. Actes du Xe Congrès de l’Association international du Sud-Est européen (A. I. E. S. E. E.) – Paris, 24-26 septembre 2009, Paris : Editions de l’Association Pierre Belon, 2011, pp. 55-65.