Gregoris Ioannou

Gregoris Ioannou is a Lecturer teaching various social science courses at FIT/Frederick University and at the University of Cyprus. He studied International History and Political Sociology at the London School of Economics at undergraduate and postgraduate level respectively and he has also worked as a professional researcher in Cyprus. Since 2011 he holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Warwick and his thesis was entitled “Labour relations in Cyprus: employment, trade unionism and class composition”. He has presented aspects of his work in conferences and academic publications, he is a member of the board of directors of the Cyprus Sociological Association and a founding member of the Cypurs Association of Political Science. His research interests extend from political institutions, the class structure and social movements to mass communication and media analysis including the production of public discourse and semiotics. He is currently researching the impact on the economic crisis on South European labour markets and the portrayal of the crisis in the media. More specifically he focuses on changes in the field of employment and the framing of the economic crisis in the public sphere in Cyprus in a comparative Southern European perspective.