Seminars, workshops and blogs

HOBAR routinely organises a mix of research events, including in-person seminar series, workshops, networking events, online guest talks and online blogs. Before the pandemic, the group held an annual research seminar series with the Institute of English Studies, University of London, to which both part- and full-time research students were invited to contribute, and which anyone who was interested was welcome to attend. Since the pandemic, more HOBAR events have been held online, but there are always some face to face events in the calendar as well.

HOBAR members often run seminars or workshops with invited external speakers and participants. These have included joint events with the Digital Humanities (DH) and Postcolonial and Global Literatures Research Groups (PGLRG), as well as with external partners, such as author societies or community stakeholders. During the pandemic, HOBAR members also contributed to a blog series, ‘Reading and Wellbeing’ (May to November 2020) as part of the Institute of English Studies ‘Literature in Lockdown’ programme.

Online blog (2020)

Reading and Well-being blog series, May to December 2020, in partnership with the Institute of English Studies, University of London.

Past (in person) seminar series

2017: Seminar series was on  'Literature and Copyright' and organised by Jonathan Gibson and Edmund King.

2015-2016: Seminar series was on 'Travelling Books and Readers in the Long Eighteenth Century' and organised by Richard J. Jones.

2014-15: Seminar series was 'Paper, Pen and Ink 2: Manuscript Cultures in the Age of Print' and organised by Jonathan Gibson

2013-14: Seminar series was on  ‘Paper, Pen and Ink: Manuscript Cultures in Early Modern England’ and organised by Jonathan Gibson

2012: Seminar series was on 'Documents of Shakespearean Performance: Stage, Page, and Manuscript in Early Modern England' and organised by Edmund King

2011: Seminar series was on the theme of ‘Reading and the First World War’ and organised by Shafquat Towheed and Edmund King

2010: Seminar series was on the history of reading (2010) and organised by Shafquat Towheed and Edmund King

2008-9: Seminar series was on transatlantic publishing (2008-2009) and organised by Shafquat Towheed

2007-8: Seminar series was on publishing science (2007-2008) and organised by Shafquat Towheed

2006-7: Seminar series was on publishing periodicals (2006-7) and organised by Shafquat Towheed

The seminar series present work in progress by leading scholars in the field, as well as supporting the research of HOBAR members, especially early career researchers. All HOBAR seminars are free to attend.