The Open University (OU) recognises that studying with caring responsibilities can be extremely challenging. The University uses the Carers Trust definition and considers a carer as:
‘anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.’
Our Carers Scholarships Fund is the very first of its kind in the UK. We have already provided the equivalent of 50 full OU scholarships to carers so that they get the chance to study, develop their sense of identity outside of caring and retrain towards seeking new employment. Please use this link to access further information regarding the eligibility criteria and how to apply.
Our Carers’ Bursary offers an award to registered students providing unpaid care to a friend or family member who, due to an illness, disability, mental health condition, or addiction, cannot cope without their care. Please refer to this page to access further information regarding the eligibility criteria and how to apply.
For specific information for student carers studying with us in Scotland please visit the OU in Scotland Carers page.