Care Experienced Students

The Open University (OU) recognises that the experience of being in care can have a long-lasting impact on an individual’s experience of education. At the OU we consider a care experienced person as

“anyone of any age, who at any stage in their life has been in care. This can be for any length of time and includes a variety of settings, such as in residential children’s home, kinship care, foster care, or through living at home under a supervision order. It also includes adopted children who were previously looked after.”

Our Care Experienced Bursary offers an award to registered students who are care experienced.  Please visit this page to access further information regarding the eligibility criteria and how to apply.

All universities and colleges in Scotland are named corporate parents, responsible for upholding the rights and safeguarding the wellbeing of care experienced students.  For further information specifically for care experienced students studying with us in Scotland please visit their page.